Friday, December 11, 2009

How Cold Was It?

I think I've mentioned before that the agility folks in VA are crazy, right?  We had class last night - OUTSIDE!  When I got home from class, the temp was 34 degrees.  Now, having lived in NE for a few years I was appropriately outfitted for those kinds of temps but it was still damned cold.  BTW - last year I found an amazing site for insulated coveralls.  They are cut for women!  The addy is:  I have a pair and LOVE them.  Plenty comfortable and lightweight enough for running agility or herding.

PuPu did her first big sequence!  It was 9 obstacles and included a lowered teeter.  I am proud to say she is the only dog in the class controlling the teeter tip by herself.  For everyone else, the instructor holds the teeter and then drops it.  Pu was awesome - fast, clean and jumping 12" like the bars weren't even there.  The beautiful stay I had for herding is eroding though :(  Apparently, agility is a lot more fun than herding ever was so she sees no reason to wait to do it.  Honestly, I love that but it means we are going to have to spend some serious time on proofing - without de-motivating.

Now to get serious about weaves....


  1. Isnt it great! Go PU! Red girls rule!

  2. Yep, Jimmy's start line stay has eroded as well. Once he realized how much fun agility was, he started to stand before getting the OK, then he started to creep forward, he has even just plain started running but that lands him back in his crate with no run at all!

  3. Oh! And for the weaves, I taught Jimmy on 2x2's. I think he was doing 12 full poles in about 10 days with only maybe 10 minutes a day....They work great! We still need to work on entries 'cause I got lazy on that part of the training, but he's really pretty good. The 2x2 method really seems to do the trick!

  4. I've used 2x2s but I have a full set of channels. I taught Sam to weave w/channels and really like using them. It's making the time to do it - it's dark when I get home and been raining/snowing on the weekends. I also need to set the poles up somewhere we can practice entrances....

  5. I hear you about the dark, and also the rain/snow! My yard is a huge mud pit! There's been no training outside for quite a long time! And probably by the time it dries out, the ground will freeze too hard to ask for much jumping, etc. I quess it's just that time of year!

  6. How does the cold place get 34 degrees, and western Oregon get 10 degrees (And less!) It's *NOT* suppose to work this way!

    We're used to 40 degrees and rain, and instead it's under 20 degrees, and sunny. Granted, I'm not complaining, as I'll take this over the gloom, but it's suppose to at least be warmer, even if it is sunny and cold!

    Just another sign, I'm in the wrong place! heehee

  7. Emily: Let me just say that when summer comes you would be THRILLED to be in western Oregon. Summer here means 90+ degrees and 70% or better humidity :) I lived in Southern Oregon and the hottest day there was never as bad as a cooler, high humidity day here.
